Shapland Place, Tiverton
A social housing development of 8 zero operational carbon homes in flood zone 3A.
ZED PODS, in collaboration with Mid Devon District Council, has developed and is implementing an innovative modular housing project. This initiative comprises eight dwellings, meeting the NDSS space standard requirements, situated above an underutilised garage site owned by the council in Tiverton.
This development is pioneering as it is the first modular housing scheme of its kind located in a Flood Zone. Positioned at the end of Shapland Place, the site required careful planning and engineering to address flood risks. The dwellings are constructed on a steel podium, incorporating essential safety measures and flood mitigation strategies to ensure the highest quality and energy efficiency standards.
Project Information
Client: Mid Devon District Council (MDDC)
Location: Shapland Place, Tiverton EX16 5EP
Building Solution: Permanent
Scope of works: Full Turnkey Service (RIBA Stage 0 – 7)
Status: Construction Complete
Project Team

Funding Supports

Sustainability Overview
Est. Carbon Savings*: 11 tonnes / year
Est. Water Savings*: 160,271 litres / year
* Carbon savings calculated using SAP calculated Dwelling emission rates (DER) against the building regulations Part-L Target Emissions Rates (TER); ** Baseline water consumption based on England Compliance of 125L/person/day
Building affordable & energy-efficient homes at a faster pace while achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.
Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) has very high affordable housing needs. They wanted to boost affordable housing supply on council-owned sites to address its need, failing which vulnerable households will be forced to make difficult choices, decreasing quality of life and other opportunities. Building affordable & energy-efficient homes remains a big problem for MDDC and relying on traditional construction is not the solution. They also wanted to build them as fast as possible and meet their ambition towards being carbon zero by 2030.
Full Turnkey

ZED PODS specialise in bringing forward development on constrained sites that are tricky to build. Our innovative off-site volumetric construction makes these kinds of sites including this project (Flood Zones) in Mid Devon are viable.
ZED PODS brought forward this development on constrained site using our innovative off-site volumetric construction.
By carrying out the full turnkey Design & Build process, we worked closely with MDDC & key stakeholders at every stage of decision making from design to planning and will follow the same from manufacturing to installation.
The scheme proposes a mix of social rent units raised above an existing garage site that is in the process of being cleared and replaced with new road surfaces and open parking bays. The scheme is designed to achieve Secured by-Design standards and provide private amenity spaces.
The scheme comprises 8 self-contained residential units of the following configuration:
4 x 1B 1P (1-storey)
3 x 2B 4P (1-storey)
1 x 3B 4P (1-storey)
Communal facilities include internal secured bin store, secured cycle store, public landscape gardens., 28 parking spaces with potential EV charging points.

The Offsite MMC Solution
Be Lean: reduce energy demand
Be Clean: supply energy efficiently
Be Green: use renewable energy
Unblocking sites in Flood Zones: our team overcame several design constraints including flood risks, biodiversity safeguarding, well-being of residents. Using podium structure, this scheme offers high-quality, zero operational carbon homes on Flood Zone 3 area. Robust flood mitigation strategy and clever grid-based modular design were critical for successful planning and EA approval.
Speed: The onsite built programme of 12 weeks is circa 50% faster than traditional construction. Modules installation over 4 weeks results into minimal disruption, noise, pollution for local community and lower carbon footprint for the project.
Zero-operational carbon: This is an exemplar carbon-neutral housing scheme to help achieve MDDC’s ambition towards being carbon zero by 2030. The scheme. The specifications of these homes exceed current Building and Fire Regulations and has been designed to achieve SAP ratings of over 100. Each dwelling uses solar panels to generate renewable electricity, quiet running heat pumps, controlled ventilation to recover usable heat, triple-glazing and LED lighting - savings of 326.4 tonnes of CO2 emissions over 30 years.
Fire-safety: Each apartment has its own independent structure with no structural bridging elements. The robust party wall construction will achieve 60-minutes fire ratings for external wall and 120 minutes for internal walls, exceeding Part B of the building regulations and fire safety plan.
Placemaking: This scheme, a mixture of one, two and three bed dwellings, ensures a mix of individuals and families to help foster a sense of community. There is a large enclosed communal garden to the rear.
The units are designed and detailed to be both highly energy efficient & zero-operational-carbon in operation, to secure residents the lowest possible running costs.
Offsite MMC increase building performance to meet zero carbon standards. Every unit has superior insulated and airtight construction with less than 1.3 air changes per hour @ 50 PA. Low energy heating systems with high performance averaging COP of 3.5. Factory fitted Solar PV with 2.6 kW’s per apartment generates more energy than is consumed annually. Achieving “zero operational carbon” with SAP ratings of over 100+.